AscenDB Release: peaks-1.2.1

It's been about a month since the last release, largely due to an involved reworking of the query builder on the back end. But there's some useful new features included with this release of AscenDB, and going forward the project should be much easier to maintain and extend.

Before we get to the new features, there is more exciting statistical news! AscenDB now has isolation estimates for every single mountain in the database (except Everest, for which isolation is undefined). Some of these estimates are likely very incorrect, so we will be combing through the largest numbers by hand to get the estimates as accurate as possible. There are now also over two thousand mountains with omnidirectional relief and steepness estimates.

The big new feature of this release is peak accessibility. API users will now be able to retrieve a peak's accessibility status, such as whether it requires permits or is located on private property, by including a new string in the fields parameter for certain functions. Users will also be able to filter search results for peaks with specific accessibility characteristics. Check the updated documentation for more on how to use the new accessibility data.

As a final update, the main search function once again brings back all names for the peaks in the result set if names is included in the field list. In fact, all functions should bring back all names for each peak in the result set, if name retrieval is specified.

That's all for this release. Now that isolation calculations are complete, parent peaks are next on the automated estimate list. First, we will have to determine the definition of 'parent peak' that AscenDB will use.

See you at the summit!

ReleaseRob Kleffner